Treatment using name Al-Mumeet


Treatment using name Al-Mumeet

Shah Abdur Raheem Sahab Dard R.A


The creator of death. The one who takes life.Treatment using name Al-Mumeet

Number: 49

Ya-Mumeet- 60


Our life is dependent on Allah (swt)’s will. If Allah (swt) wishes we will be devoid of life and luxuries.
The one who knows that his destiny is the hereafter and death is unavoidable and welcomes the approaching death happily. Such a person is happy and contented in every situation. ”Alhamdu lillah ala kulli haal”.


The one who is unable to control his inner-self (nafs) should recite 60 times ‘Ya Mumeetu’ by placing his hands on the chest, till he falls asleep, insha Allah soon he will gain strength to control his nafs.