Treatment using name Al-Kabeer


Treatment using name Al-Kabeer

Shah Abdur Raheem Sahab Dard R.A


The most great. The one who is the greatest.Treatment using name Al-Kabeer

Number: 132

Ya-Kabeer 143


The effect of this quality on the pious servant of Allah(swt) should be such that in solemnity he considers himself inferior and in the universe considers every thing else inferior. He acts according to the like and command of Allah(swt) and gives up any kind of lthargy in doing so.

It is the duty of the inferior one to bow in front of the superior one Allah(swt). But those who do not ponder over this, consider the creatures as the greatest and in ingnorance kill each other. May Allah(swt) the superior one have mercy on us. Amin.


The one who is dismissed from his post sould observe fast for seven days and after every prayer recite ‘Ya-Kabeeru 143 times, insha Allah he will recover his job with honour and dignity and shall gain esteem.