Treatment using name Al-Wahhaab


Treatment using name Al-Wahhaab

Shah Abdur Raheem Sahab Dard R.A


The Bestow-er: The one who gives all blessings to his creaturesTreatment using name Al-Wahhaab

Number: 14



The wants and desires of the needy are fulfilled by the Wahhab, this belief will develop a deep relationship with Allah(swt). Ghaffar is such a giver who is not irritated by the respected wants of the needy but is rejoiced. If the seeker asks justly and by heart. Allah(swt) loves those servants of His who beg him again and again and seek His blessings.


To get rid of poverty one should recite ‘Ya-Wahhab’ 25 times after every prayer or write it and keep it with him, if Allah wishes he will be relieved of his poverty.